Hi Meg!
Finally beginning to feel a little more like whatever normal is after jumping through all the curdling hurdles that we faced when we got home, and I've got a few minutes to send a bit of a note. Feel free to share it on your blog with all the wonderful Kiwis that I haven't had time to answer yet. I'm getting there.
We took the desert road, and it was magical: sort of like driving right from Vermont (with ocean) into Utah and beyond. Spent the night on the big lake, (Lake Taupo, Randy,) and flew back from Auckland Sunday PM.
And B(rian) hit the ground running like we knew he had to on his installation. I stayed home and began dealing with loose threads, and put on three warps. So when I finally got to see what he had done, with his crew of art school eager beavers, I was truly gobsmacked. As was the museum. I'll attach pix. Then onto the Philadelphia show, which went very well indeed. We've been back a little over a week. Whew!
More later.
Much love.
And the pix.

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