These are 100% cashmere scarves I'm developing with the Red Gallery; they are women's scarves, about 11cm (roughly 4 inches) wide, and 150cm (60 inches) long, and I'm thinking of calling them "Collar Scarves" or some such; they are meant to be splashes of colors around your neck. To bring out the best features of cashmere, (soft and light), so far simple twill weaves have worked best, and for the time being, I will weave them in one, two or three colors at most.
I'm glad to have stumbled upon your blog! Those are lovely. You're very talented! Keep at it! =)
Your work is thoughtful and lovely, and I love to read of your thoughts in the cretive process.
You asked me to expand upon 'authenticity'. Since you have mentioned that you are of Japanese heritage I will simply site a very creative and original Japanese artist - Ando Hiroshige. Could anyone better, and more authentically and unpretentiously express his views of the world around him?
Irene, thank you for visiting and the compliment. We weavers often say one lifetime is never enough to learn, but I think I'm getting the hang of the basics enough to enjoy and try to be creative. I love your profile photo because it fits your blog name and what you're trying to do there.
Well, well, Minnetonkafelix, thanks for stopping by. You know, growing up in Japan, we see Hiroshige all over the place, from museums to postage stamps to ready mix seasoning packages (yup), but I never read anything he wrote or written about him. I suppose he had a few good things to say, in between chipping all that wood.
I tried to decide which scarf I love most. Impossible, each is beautiful in its own right. I admire people who master a craft, you are sure one of them.
I wish you all the best in all your endeavors,
Thank you very much for the compliments, Merisi. I'm still very new at this game, so it lifts me to hear words like yours.
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