
Drawing a Conclusion

A week ago Friday was the last drawing class for this term. I concluded that part of the reason why I felt so constricted during this term is because I associate gesture drawing not only with the gesture of the model but with mine also. This is why I need space.

Last Friday I used a smaller medium, water color pencils, and the model was Ruth, and the two worked well. I actually enjoyed the session. Next term, Ronette said, I should gesso bigger pieces of fabric.

Classmates Margaret and Sam suggested I tie all the small fabric drawings together like a Tibetan/Nepalese (?) peace flag. I'm now thinking of hanging them like on a clothesline in my stash room.

Margaret also made Nancy's chenille fabric into a book cover and an envelope in exchange for some eyelash yarns. The book here is The Artist's Way trilogy, which meant a lot to both Nancy and me, and I wanted to do this from the minute I saw the fabric, but was afraid to botch the job. Margaret did a lovely job. Thank you!

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